Baptism Video of My Friend -True and False Conversion

I have just had an amazing video sent to me. It is a video of the baptism of a friend and dear brother in Christ, Warren. The Lord granted me the privilege of meeting this brother when we arrived in California. He is a member of a church we have been attending. His testimony is amazing! He has been a professing Christian and has gone to church all his life. He would attend the “fellowship groups” (where they would get together, pray over their food, eat, and then talk about the world, the world, the world) and hang out with other “Christian” friends. He thought he was saved, but rarely read the Bible, prayed, or shared the message of Christ with unbelievers. He would pursue money and the things of this world. BUT, when another brother gave him a copy of the CD’s, “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” and “True and False Conversion”, he heard the Law convince him of his own utter sinfulness before God and his need for a Savior, and came to the shocking realization that he was a false convert all along that was never saved. He soon repented from his sins for the first time and put his wholehearted faith in Christ alone to save him. He testifies that when he did this, he was born again and radically changed. Immediately he had a love for God’s word, for fellowship with other believers, and desired to seek and save the lost and tell others about God’s gift of salvation. He now regularly goes out on the streets and preaches to the lost and testifies of God’s saving power to redeem fallen man from sin and bondage and make them new creatures in Christ, forgiven, transformed, given new life. It has been a great blessing to me to know him and to fellowship with him and to hear of all the wonderful things God is doing in his life. Here is a message from brother Warren:


“Praise God for all the great things that HE has done. All honor and glory and praise belong to HIM. I just wanted to encourage others with the sending of this video. My prayer is that as you watch this video you would be encouraged to go into all of the world and seek and save the lost (Mark 16-15) not to see a result but know that results are happening by your obedience. We are here not for what we can get out of life but to glorify God and to tell others about there great need to escape the righteous judgment of a Holy and good God. That is why He sent His son to save us from His wrath. He loved us enough that He wanted to save us from His justice but many people think that God love will be enough when they die and face Him on judgment day.They have heard John 3:16 and thank that God loves them and so they keep on living in sin and they really have not understood the whole verse. ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, (stop) that is where most people stop listening and think only that God loves them. But listen to the rest of the verse says [that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. That last part tells us that there will be those that will PERISH i.e. get sent to HELL because of there not having put there faith in Christ work on the cross and repenting (turning from sin).Not accepting Christ for a better life so He can heel there drug problem, marriage problem, work/money problems give them a better life. Simply we broke God’s law and He paid our fine for those who would BELIEVE (faith). Preach the true Gospel.” [end quote]


Here is the video:


Maybe you are like that. You have been going to church for a long time. You call yourself a Christian. You even meet together with other professing believers. You give money to good causes. You live a decent and moral life. But you’ve never understood deep within your heart that you have sinned against God, violated His holy Law, and provoked His justice to slay you and send you to Hell. You’ve confessed that you’re a sinner, but never deeply felt the pain and grief of your sin against God and understood that you’re lost without the righteousness of Christ. You’ve never truly REPENTED and your heart is still in love with the things of this world. Your still holding on to some sin in your life and you haven’t given it up, you haven’t forsaken all the affections of this world to place all your affections solely on Him first and foremost. You haven’t been born again, radically converted, made into a totally new creature in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. You really don’t have a love for the Word of God and you rarely really study it. You don’t pray much, maybe just at night before you go to bed and before meals, but you never seek God’s face and His will for everything you do in life.


Dear soul, if I am describing you then know that it’s time. Lay it all down on the altar. Confess your secret sins before God and beg His forgiveness. Repent, deeply renounce your sin, and put your trust in Christ alone to save you, forsaking all to follow Him no matter what He requires of you. Surrender to His Lordship and submit your life to obey Him. He promises to save to the uttermost all that come to God through Him. When He died on the Cross, He bore the punishment for all our sin and died as a substitute in our place. He fulfilled the righteous requirements of God’s justice by taking the wrath of the Almighty that we deserve upon Himself. Now, He freely offers us His righteousness, so that we can be placed back into a right-standing and fellowship with God. If you need to be reconciled to the Creator that your sin has caused you to be at enmity with, then do it now: repent and believe the Gospel, and follow Him! Here are the messages that the Holy Spirit used to cause brother Warren to realize that he was lost, and to repent and believe and be born again. If you’ve never listened to them, I would highly recommend you do, and make sure you are in the faith. You can download them here for free:


Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort


True and False Conversion by Ray Comfort